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Online vs. In-Person Tutoring: Which Is Right for Your Child?


Cloud Tuition

Aug 28, 2024

7 min read

Let’s face it, when it comes to helping your child succeed in school, you’ve probably found yourself wondering whether online or in-person tutoring is the better option. With so many choices out there, it can be tough to decide which type of tutoring will really give your child the edge. Whether your child is in primary school, high school, or getting ready for the all-important ATAR external exams in Years 11 and 12, deciding between online and in-person tutoring is key. So, let’s dive into the pros and cons of both options and help you figure out what’s best for your child.

woman wearing headphones waving and smiling at her computer with a pencil and notebook on her desk

So, what does online tutoring look like?

Benefits of online tutoring

1) Flexible and easy to learn

One of the biggest perks of online tutoring is the flexibility it offers. No more rushing from school to the tutor’s house or squeezing sessions into an already packed schedule.

With online tutoring, your child can log in from the comfort of home, whether that’s right after school or in the evening. This kind of flexibility is a game-changer, especially for families juggling multiple activities. Online tutoring platforms make scheduling easy and allow lessons to be slotted into your child’s busy schedule.

To get started with online tutoring, all you will need is a device to connect and a good internet connection!

2) A World of Tutors at Your Fingertips

Online tuition can connect your child to a large pool of tutors, providing access to a wide range of expertise that might not be available locally. This means your child can find a tutor online who specialises in exactly what they need help with, whether it’s Maths, Science or English. Plus, online tutoring makes it easier to access the treasure trove of digital resources online that make completing assessment and learning more efficient and effective.

Compared to traditional face-to-face tutoring, you won't have to deal with the stress of finding a qualified tutor in your local area. It's easier to find the right tutor for your child with online tutoring and scheduling regular sessions is super easy and convenient.

3) Comfort is key

Let’s be honest, most kids are more comfortable learning in their own space. Whether it’s their room or the kitchen table, being in a familiar environment can make a big difference. They’re more likely to ask questions and dive into the material when they feel at ease. However, the flip side is that home can also be full of distractions. So, it’s important to create a dedicated, quiet spot for learning. This comfortable learning environment can significantly enhance your child’s overall learning experience.

The not-so-great stuff about online lessons

Of course, online tutoring isn’t perfect.

Tutoring online relies heavily on having a good internet connection and a reliable device. If either of those fails, the whole session can go sideways. Video conferencing is also great for interaction, but for some kids, the temptation to sneak a peek at YouTube or check messages during a session is real. Keeping them focused can be a challenge so it ultimately depends on your child's learning style and level of engagement. Read our guide on how our online tutoring lessons work.

Not sure about online tutoring? The best way to see if it's the right fit for your child's learning is to try it out. Book in a free 1-hour online trial lesson with one of our tutors - the lesson's on us if you're not fully satisfied!


Let's now consider the pros and cons of in-person tutoring.

Benefits of in-person tutoring

1) Face-to-face interaction

Afterschool tutoring, in-home tuition and in-person tutoring has been around forever (and for good reason). There’s something about sitting down with a tutor, face to face, that just works. The instant feedback, the ability to see exactly where your child is struggling, and the personal connection — this is especially great for younger kids who may need a bit more personal support or those who benefit from direct person-to-person interaction.

2) Building a real connection

Let’s not underestimate the power of a good tutor-student relationship. When your child clicks with their tutor, learning becomes a whole lot easier. Traditional in-person tutoring sessions make it easier to build that rapport. Tutors can read your child’s body language, pick up on cues that they’re confused or frustrated and adjust the lesson on the fly.

3) A structured environment that mimics school

For some kids, especially those who thrive on routine, the classroom-like environment of in-person tutoring can be really beneficial. It’s a focused space dedicated to learning, free from the distractions of home. Plus, having physical materials like textbooks and worksheets at hand can make lessons feel more concrete. This structured learning environment can be particularly advantageous for students who need that extra push to stay on track.

The drawbacks of in-person tutoring

With anything, there are of course downsides. Finding the right tutor who’s available at times that work for you and who’s qualified to teach the subject your child needs help with can be a bit of a hunt. And let’s face it, driving to and from tutoring sessions can add stress to an already busy schedule. Also, in-person tutoring might lack the dynamic, interactive resources that online learning offers.


So which option is better: online or in-person tutoring?

In the end, it really comes down to your child and what they need.

Are they easily distracted? They might benefit more from the structured environment of in-person tutoring. Are they tech-savvy and comfortable online? Then online tutoring might be the way to go. Think about their learning style, how they engage with different subjects and their personality. Some kids thrive with the face-to-face interaction that in-person tutoring offers, while others prefer the flexibility of learning from home and can make full use of online resources during virtual sessions.



Flexibility in scheduling and location

Face-to-face interaction

Access to a wider range of tutors and resources

Easier to build a personal connection with the tutor

Comfortable learning environment

Structured environment that mimics the classroom

Potential distractions, requires reliable internet

Limited to local tutors, may lack access to online resources


Now, let's talk about what to look for in your tutor.

Whether you’re looking at online or in-person tutoring, finding the right tutor is key. But what exactly should you be looking for?

Primary school tutors (Year 1-6)

For younger kids, a good tutor is someone who can keep them engaged and make learning fun. They should be adaptable, able to explain concepts in different ways and have a positive attitude. It’s all about building a strong foundation in core subjects like Maths and English.

High school tutors (Year 7-10)

As kids get older and the subjects get harder, a high school tutor should not only know their stuff but also be great at helping students with assessments and preparing for exams. Strategy-based learning becomes more important here.

Senior tutors for ATAR (Year 11-12)

 Now we’re talking serious business. For Years 11 and 12, a tutor needs to have deep content knowledge and be able to provide detailed feedback. They should also have strategies for tackling complex topics and preparing for ATAR exams. It’s all about helping your child maximise their scores and feel confident going into those big exams.

How to vet a tutor

When it comes to choosing a tutor, whether online or in person, qualifications and experience are crucial. Look for someone with a strong academic background, positive testimonials from other students and experience teaching the relevant subjects.

Our tutor vetting process involves a quality check into the tutors' academic background, tutoring experienced and whether they currently hold a valid Working with Children check. Plus, we offer a free 1-hour trial lesson for all new students so you can see if the tutor is a good fit for your child!


Cost and value considerations

Are private tutors worth it?

Tutoring costs can range from $25 to $85 per hour. The cost typically depends on the tutor’s experience, qualifications and whether they’re part of a tutoring company. Private tutors might be cheaper, but they may not have the structured approach that a company offers. Tutoring companies, on the other hand, usually provide a more comprehensive learning experience, with proven results, a set curriculum and vetted tutors. Tutoring for Year 11 and 12 students preparing for ATAR exams also costs more due to the specialised content and exam prep involved.

For primary students, tutoring can help build healthy learning habits, master the basics and boost confidence. High school students can benefit from tutoring that supports their transition to more advanced topics. In addition, tutoring lessons can help them with assessments and keep them on track with homework. For those in Years 11 and 12, tutoring can be essential for mastering content, tackling exams with confidence and scoring well on their assignments so that they can maximise their ATAR score.


Frequently Asked Questions

Is in-person tutoring better than online tutoring?

The best option depends on your child’s learning style and needs. In-person tutoring offers face-to-face interaction which can be beneficial for younger students or those who need more direct communication. However, online tutoring offers greater flexibility and access to a wider range of tutors and resources.

Should I tutor online or in-person?

This decision depends on your child’s learning preferences and your family’s schedule. Online tutoring is ideal for students who prefer flexibility and access to diverse resources, while in-person tutoring may be better for students who thrive in a structured environment with direct interaction.

How effective is online tutoring?

Online tutoring can be highly effective, especially when using interactive tools and resources. It’s most beneficial for students who are comfortable with technology and can stay focused in a home environment. We recommend trying it out first to see if it's a good fit for your child's learning style and goals.

What are the benefits of online tutoring for kids?

Online tutoring offers flexibility, access to a wide range of tutors and a comfortable learning environment. It also allows students to learn at their own pace and use interactive tools to enhance their understanding of complex topics.

Book a free lesson with one of our online tutors to get the support you need

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