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What is Mathematical Methods? Your ATAR Guide for QCE


Cloud Tuition

Aug 26, 2024

5 min read

Choosing the right Maths subject for Year 11 and 12 is a critical decision that can significantly impact your ATAR score and future academic opportunities. Among the options, Maths Methods stands out as a popular choice for students aiming for university admission in STEM fields. But is QCE Mathematical Methods the right subject for you? In this guide, we’ll explore everything you need to know about QCAA Mathematical Methods, its benefits, challenges and how it compares to other Maths subjects.


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What is Maths Methods?

As part of the ATAR pathway, Mathematical Methods is one of the senior secondary Maths subjects that you can choose for Year 11 and 12 to complete your Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE).

According to the Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre (QTAC), subjects like Maths Methods are crucial for competitive university courses. The advanced content and rigorous assessments ensure that students who excel in Maths Methods are well-prepared for the challenges of higher education, particularly in STEM fields. As such, Maths Methods is a common choice for students looking to pursue university courses in fields like engineering, computer science, economics and health sciences.

For university programs such as medicine, biomedical science and engineering, Maths Methods is often listed as a pre-requisite subject.

Is Maths Methods Worth It for Your ATAR?

Maths Methods is definitely worth considering if you’re aiming for a strong ATAR.

Since it is is considered more challenging than other Maths subjects like General Mathematics or Essential Mathematics, it typically scales higher which can boost your ATAR score and university application if you perform well in the subject.

Read our detailed guide about QCE Maths subjects and scaling.

What will I learn in QCE Maths Methods?

The subject is divided into two key parts: Units 1 & 2 in Year 11 and Units 3 & 4 in Year 12.

These units build on each other, gradually increasing in complexity, and are designed to develop your analytical and problem-solving skills. Performing well in Maths Methods can significantly boost your ATAR, especially since it scales well in comparison to other Maths subjects.

Here's a brief overview of what each unit in QCE Mathematical Methods covers:




Unit 1

Algebra and Functions

- Basic algebra

- Functions and their graphs

- Polynomials

Unit 2

Calculus and Further Functions

- Introduction to calculus

- Exponential and logarithmic functions

- Further algebraic functions

Unit 3

Advanced Calculus and Functions

- Derivatives and integrals

- Further exploration of functions

- Applications of calculus

Unit 4

Probability and Statistics

- Random variables

- Distributions and statistical inference

- Bivariate data analysis

Units 1 & 2 are designed to build foundational knowledge and skills that are essential for tackling the more advanced content in Units 3 & 4. Doing well in the first two units is important as by the time you reach Units 3 & 4 in Year 12, you’ll be delving into more complex topics like advanced calculus and statistical analysis, which are crucial for success in university-level Maths and related fields.

This structure ensures that you gradually build up your knowledge and skills, allowing you to handle the increasing complexity as you progress through the course.

Note that Year 11 students typically begin to learn Unit 3 content during Term 4 as an early introduction. This ensures that students have enough time to revise Year 12 content the following year (finishing around Term 3) so that they can start preparing for their external exam.

Will Maths Methods Help You in Other Subjects?

Yes, Maths Methods can be incredibly beneficial for other subjects, particularly those that require strong analytical and problem-solving skills. For example, subjects like physics, chemistry and economics often require a solid understanding of the mathematical principles covered in Maths Methods.

It is also often taken alongside Specialist Mathematics in Year 11 and 12 which sometimes builds on the content taught in Maths Methods.

Is Maths Methods Harder Than Other Maths Subjects?

Yes, Maths Methods is generally considered harder than General Mathematics and Essential Mathematics. The subject’s complexity lies in its advanced topics, such as calculus and probability, which require a deeper understanding and a higher level of abstract thinking.

However, whether Maths Methods is harder than Specialist Mathematics is debatable. Specialist Mathematics covers even more advanced topics, but it’s often taken alongside Maths Methods, so students typically find that these two subjects complement each other well.

Should You Choose Maths Methods Over Essential Maths or General Maths?

If you’re aiming for a competitive ATAR and are interested in pursuing a university course that requires strong mathematical skills, Maths Methods is the better choice over Essential Mathematics or General Mathematics. While General Mathematics focuses more on practical applications and Essential Mathematics on everyday contexts, Maths Methods dives deep into theoretical and abstract concepts that are crucial for STEM fields.

However, if your strengths lie more in practical applications of Maths and you’re not planning to enter a highly quantitative field, General Mathematics or Essential Mathematics might be more suitable.

We recommend first checking the subject pre-requisites of the university course you are interested in. Note that there are university bridging courses you can complete to meet these requirements so you don't necessarily have to choose Methods for Year 11 and 12 if you opt for a summer bridging course.

Are Maths Methods Tutors Worth the Investment?

Given the challenging nature of Maths Methods, many students find it helpful to work with a tutor. A Maths Methods tutor can provide you with targeted support, helping you understand complex concepts, prepare for assessments and develop effective study strategies. Tutors can be especially beneficial if you're finding certain topics difficult or if you want to ensure you're fully prepared for Units 3 & 4 in Year 12.

Investing in a tutor can also be a smart choice if you're aiming for a high ATAR.

If you're looking for a tutor for QCE Maths Methods in Year 11 and 12, book in a free 1-hour online trial session with one of our qualified high school tutors (~97.10 ATAR average).

Calculator and Maths textbook

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Maths Methods QLD?

It is one of the senior ATAR Maths subjects for the Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE).

Is Maths Methods the hardest?

Maths Methods is considered one of the more challenging Maths subjects in the QCE curriculum, particularly because it covers advanced topics like calculus, algebra, and probability. However, Specialist Mathematics is generally regarded as even more difficult due to its focus on more complex and abstract mathematical concepts.

What level of Maths is Methods?

Mathematical Methods is an advanced level maths subject. It’s more challenging than General Mathematics and is designed for students who need a strong foundation in mathematics for future studies in areas like engineering, science, economics, and technology.

What is the difference between Maths Methods and General Maths?

The primary difference between Maths Methods and General Maths is the level of complexity and the focus of the content. Maths Methods covers advanced topics like calculus and probability, making it suitable for students aiming for STEM fields. In contrast, General Maths focuses on practical applications of mathematics and is less demanding, making it a better fit for students who do not require advanced maths for their future studies.

What is Maths Methods equivalent to?

Maths Methods in Queensland (QCE) is equivalent to Mathematical Methods in other Australian education systems, such as VCE (Victoria Certificate of Education) and SACE (South Australian Certificate of Education). These subjects cover similar advanced mathematical topics with slight curriculum variations and are aimed at preparing students for tertiary education.

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